You’ve undoubtably spent ample time perfecting nutritionally balanced meals for residents and don’t want to let that work get lost in translation with imperfect measurements. Proper recipe execution benefits your bottom line and equates to resident satisfaction. Stocking your kitchen with an array of scoops, spoodles and ladles allows you to adhere to careful measuring and Shamrock Foods offers color-coded measuring tools for every portion.
Properly managed portions provide many advantages, including:
Consistent Plate Appearance
Residents can be overwhelmed by too large portions and dissatisfied by too little being served.
Meeting Dietary Guidelines
Critical to residents on therapeutic diets and important for following regulatory standards.
Reduced Food Waste
Serve too much and there are leftovers on plates, but serve too little and there are leftovers in the kitchen.
Managed Food Costs
Knowing your portions is key to calculating food costs and managing inventory.
Another tool essential for success is MenuWizard+ by Shamrock Foods. This menu program’s standardized recipes are calculated using the current facility census to identify recipe yield, portion sizes and serving utensil suggestions. With MenuWizard+, you’ll be able to purchase the appropriate ingredient amounts and prepare serving amounts to minimize over and under production. Accurate measuring will result in accurate Per-Resident-Day (PRD) cost.
Talk to your Shamrock Foods Sales Representative or email the Menu Team directly at [email protected] today about the right physical tools in addition to MenuWizard+ to maximize your organization’s success!
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